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Tiếng Anh Tăng Cường lớp 9 - Bình Xuyên
Extension for 7. C. Giving and Receiving
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Extension for 7. C. Giving and Receiving.
link to view the file.
◄ Speech Rate Training 7. C. Culture. Giving and Receiving
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Hướng dẫn sử dụng học liệu & phần mềm
Lecture. Orientation for Grade 9 (Buổi học định hướng đầu khóa)
Thư gửi học sinh Chương trình tiếng Anh tăng cường
Phương pháp học tiếng Anh hiện đại
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 1. Local Community - Global Success 9
The tape Week 1
Quizlet Vocabulary for Unit 1. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 1 - 2 (Week 1)
Do Self-Test-Week 1
Lesson Guide 6. A. Vocabulary and Listening. Electronic Devices
Play with Quizlet 6. A. Vocabulary and Listening. Electronic Devices
Lesson 6. A. Vocabulary and Listening. Electronic Devices
Speech Rate Training 6. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Electronic Devices
Extension for 6. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Electronic Devices
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 1. Local Community - Global Success 9
The tape Week 2
Quizlet Vocabulary for Unit 1. Global Success 9
Guided Speaking. Unit 1. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 3 - 5 (Week 2)
Do Self-Test-Week 2
Lesson Guide 6. B. Grammar. Will and Going to
Play with Quizlet 6. B. Grammar. Will and Going to
Lesson 6. B. Grammar. Will and Going to
Translation Help for Grammar. Will and Going to
Speech Rate Training 6.B. Grammar. Will and Going to
Extension for 6. B. Grammar. Will and Going to
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 1. Local Community - Global Success 9
The tape Week 3
Basic Practice. Lessons 6 - 7 (Week 3)
Exam Speaking. Unit 1. Global Success 9
Do Self-Test-Week 3
Test Grade 9 - 1
Lesson Guide 6. C. Culture. Screen Time
Play with Quizlet 6. C. Culture. Screen Time
Lesson 6. C. Culture. Screen Time
Translation Help for 6. C. Culture. Screen Time
Speech Rate Training 6.C: Culture. Screen Time
Extension for 6. C. Screen Time
Lesson 6. D. Grammar. Zero Conditional
Play with Quizlet 6. D. Grammar. Zero Conditional
Lesson 6. D. Grammar. Zero Conditional
Translation Help for Grammar. Zero Conditional
Extension for 6. D. Zero Conditional
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 2. City Life – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 2. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 1 - 2 (Week 4)
Guided Speaking. Unit 2. Global Success 9
Do Self-Test-Week 4
Lesson Guide 6. E. Reading. Brainwaves
Play with Quizlet 6. E. Reading. Brainwaves
Lesson 6. E. Reading. Brainwaves
Translation Help for 6. E. Reading. Brainwaves
Speech Rate Training 6. E. Reading. Brainwaves
Extension for 6. E. Reading. Brainwaves
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 2. City Life – Global Success 9
The tape Week 5
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 2. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 3 - 5 (Week 5)
Exam Speaking. Unit 2. Global Success 9
Do Self-Test-Week 5
Lesson Guide 6. F. Everyday English. Invitations
Play with Quizlet 6. F. Everyday English. Invitations
Lesson 6. F. Everyday English. Invitations
Speech Rate Training 6. F. Everyday English. Invitations
Extension for 6. F. Everyday English. Invitations
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
The tape Week 6
Resources for Unit 2. City Life – Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 6 - 7 (Week 6)
Do Self-Test-Week 6
Lesson Guide 6. G. Writing. Messages
Play with Quizlet 6. G. Writing. Messages
Lesson 6. G. Writing. Messages
Extension for 6. G. Writing. Messages
Check your Writing (Messages)
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 3. Healthy Living for Teens – Global Success 9
The tape Week 7
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 3. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 1 - 4 (Week 7)
Guided Speaking. Unit 3. Global Success 9
Do Self-Test-Week 7
Lesson Guide 6. H. Language Review & Skills Round-up
Play with Quizlet 6. H. Language Review & Skills Round-up
Lesson 6. H. Language Review
Lesson 6. H. Skills Round-up
Speech Rate Training. Language Review & Skills Round-up
Extension for 6. H. Language Review & Skills Round-up
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 3. Healthy Living for Teens – Global Success 9
The tape Week 8
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 3. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 5 - 7 (Week 8)
Exam Speaking. Unit 3. Global Success 9
Do Self-Test-Week 8
Lesson Guide 7. A. Vocabulary and Listening. Body Language
Play with Quizlet 7. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Body Language
Lesson 7. A. Vocabulary and Listening. Body Language
Speech Rate Training 7. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Body Language
Extension for 7. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Body Language
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 3. Healthy Living for Teens – Global Success 9
The tape Week 9
Exam Speaking. Lesson. Review 1 (Language)
Midterm Test Practice 1 (Semester 1. Grade 9)
Midterm Test Practice 2 (Semester 1. Grade 9)
Midterm Test Practice 3 (Semester 1. Grade 9)
Do Self-Test-Week 9
Lesson Guide 7. B. Grammar. must, mustn't and needn't
Play with Quizlet 7. B. Grammar. must, mustn't and needn't
Lesson 7. B. Grammar. must, mustn't and needn't
Translation Help for Grammar. must, mustn't, needn't
Speech Rate Training 7. B. Grammar. “must, mustn't, needn't”
Extension for 7. B. Grammar. “must, mustn't, needn't”
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 4. Remembering the Past – Global Success 9
The tape Week 10
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 4. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 1 - 2 (Week 10)
Guided Speaking. Unit 4. Global Success 9
Do Self-Test-Week 10
Lesson Guide 7. C. Culture. Giving and Receiving
Play with Quizlet 7. C. Giving and Receiving
Lesson 7.C. Culture. Giving and Receiving
Translation Help for 7. C. Culture. Giving and Receiving
Speech Rate Training 7. C. Culture. Giving and Receiving
Lesson Guide 7. D. Grammar. First Conditional
Play with Quizlet 7. D. Grammar. First Conditional
Lesson 7.D. Grammar. First Conditional
Translation Help for Grammar. First Conditional
Speech Rate Training 7. D. Grammar. First Conditional
Extension for 7. D. First Conditional
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 4. Remembering the Past – Global Success 9
The tape Week 11
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 4. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 3 - 5 (Week 11)
Exam Speaking. Unit 4. Global Success 9
Do Self-Test-Week 11
Lesson Guide 7. E. Reading. Don't Get Fooled Again
Play with Quizlet 7. E. Reading. Don't Get Fooled Again
Lesson 7. E. Reading. Don't Get Fooled Again
Translation Help for 7. E. Reading. Don't Get Fooled Again
Speech Rate Training 7. E. Reading. Don't Get Fooled Again
Extension for 7. E. Don't Get Fooled Again
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 4. Remembering the Past – Global Success 9
The tape Week 12
Basic Practice. Lessons 6 - 7 (Week12)
Guided Speaking. Unit 5. Global Success 9
Do Self-Test-Week 12
Lesson Guide 7. F. Everyday English. Giving Advice and Recommendations
Play with Quizlet 7. F. Everyday English. Giving Advice and Recommendations
Lesson 7. F. Everyday English. Giving Advice and Recommendations
Speech Rate Training 7. F. Everyday English. Giving Advice and Recommendations
Extension for 7. F. Everyday English. Giving Advice and Recommendations
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 5. Our Experiences – Global Success 9
The tape Week 13
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 5. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 1 -2 (Week 13)
Exam Speaking. Unit 5. Global Success 9
Do Self-Test-Week 13
Lesson Guide 7. G. Writing. Invitations
Play with Quizlet 7. G. Writing. Invitations
Lesson 7.G. Writing. Invitations
Extension for 7. G. Writing. Invitations
Check your Writing (Invitations)
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 5. Our Experiences – Global Success 9
The tape Week 14
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 5. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 3 - 5 (Week 14)
Exam Speaking. Unit 5. Global Success 9
Do Self-Test-Week 14
Lesson Guide 7. H. Get Ready for your Exam
Play with Quizlet 7. H. Get Ready for your Exam
Unit 7. Revision
Speech Rate Training. Get Ready for Exam (Unit 7)
Extension for 7. H. Get Ready for your Exam
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 5. Our Experiences – Global Success 9
The tape Week 15
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 5. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 6 - 7 (Week 15)
Guided Speaking. Unit 6. Global Success 9
Do Self-Test-Week 15
Lesson Guide 8. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Planet Earth
Play with Quizlet 8. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Planet Earth
Lesson 8. A. Vocabulary and Listening. Planet Earth
Speech Rate Training 8. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Planet Earth
Extension for 8. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Planet Earth
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 6. Vietnamese Lifestyle: Then And Now – Global Success 9
The tape Week 16
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 6. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 1 - 7 (Week 16)
Exam Speaking. Unit 6. Global Success 9
Do Self-Test-Week 16
Lesson Guide 8. B. Grammar. Second Conditional
Play with Quizlet 8. B. Grammar. Second Conditional
Lesson 8. B. Grammar. Second Conditional
Translation Help for Grammar. Second Conditional
Extension for 8. B. Grammar. Second Conditional
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 6. Vietnamese Lifestyle: Then And Now – Global Success 9
The tape Week 17
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 6. Global Success 9
End-of-term test (SEMESTER 1. Grade 9)
End-of-Term Test Practice 1 (Semester 1. Grade 9)
End-of-Term Test Practice 2 (Semester 1. Grade 9)
Do Self-Test-Week 17
Lesson Guide 8. C. Culture. Rubbish
Play with Quizlet 8. C. Culture. Rubbish
Lesson 8. C. Culture. Rubbish
Translation Help for 8. C. Culture. Rubbish
Speech Rate Training 8. C. Culture. Rubbish
Extension for 8. C. Rubbish
Lesson Guide 8. D. Grammar. I wish...
Play with Quizlet 8. D. Grammar. I wish...
Lesson 8. D. Grammar. I wish ...
Translation Help for Grammar. I wish...
Extension for 8. D. Grammar. I wish...
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 6. Vietnamese Lifestyle: Then And Now – Global Success 9
The tape Week 18
End-of-Term Test Practice 3 (Semester 1. Grade 9)
End-of-Term Test Practice 4 (Semester 1. Grade 9)
End-of-Term Test Practice 5 (Semester 1. Grade 9)
Do Self-Test-Week 18
Lesson Guide 8. E. Reading. A Real Danger?
Play with Quizlet 8. E. Reading. A Real Danger?
Lesson 8. E. Reading. A Real Danger?
Translation Help for 8. E. Reading. A Real Danger?
Speech Rate Training 8. E. Reading. A Real Danger?
Extension for 8. E. Reading. A Real Danger?
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 7. Natural Wonders of the World – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 7. Global Success 9
The tape Week 19
Basic Practice. Lessons 1 - 2 (Week 19)
Do Self-Test-Week 19
Lesson Guide 8. F. Everyday English. Stimulus Discussion
Play with Quizlet 8. F. Everyday English. Stimulus Discussion
Lesson 8. F. Everyday English. Stimulus Discussion
Speech Rate Training 8. F. Everyday English. Stimulus Discussion
Extension for 8. F. Everyday English. Stimulus Discussion
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 7. Natural Wonders of the World – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 7. Global Success 9
Guided Speaking. Unit 7. Global Success 9
The tape Week 20
Basic Practice. Lessons 3- 5 (Week 20)
Do Self-Test-Week 20
Lesson Guide 8. G. Writing. An Essay
Play with Quizlet 8. G. Writing. An Essay
Lesson 8. G. Writing. An Essay
Extension for 8. G. Writing. An Essay
Check your Writing (An Essay)
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 7. Natural Wonders of the World – Global Success 9
Exam Speaking. Unit 7. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 6 - 7 (Week 21)
Do Self-Test-Week 21
Lesson Guide 8. H. Language Review & Skills Round-up
Play with Quizlet 8. H. Language Review & Skills Round-up
Lesson 8. H. Language Review
Lesson 8. H. Skills Round-up
Speech Rate Training. Language Review & Skills Round-up (Unit 7-8)
Extension for 8. H. Language Review & Skills Round-up
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 8. Tourism – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 8. Global Success 9
Guided Speaking. Unit 8. Global Success 9
The tape Week 22
Basic Practice. Lessons 1 - 2 (Week 22)
Do Self-Test-Week 22
Lesson Guide 9. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Crimes and Criminals
Play with Quizlet 9. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Crimes and Criminals
Lesson 9. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Crimes and Criminals
Speech Rate Training 9. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Crimes and Criminals
Extension for 9. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Crimes and Criminals
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 8. Tourism – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 8. Global Success 9
Exam Speaking. Unit 8. Global Success 9
The tape Week 23
Basic Practice. Lessons 3 - 5 (Week 23)
Do Self-Test-Week 23
Lesson Guide 9. B. Grammar. Past Perfect
Play with Quizlet 9. B. Grammar. Past Perfect
Lesson 9. B. Grammar. Past Perfect
Translation Help for Grammar. Past Perfect
Extension for 9. B. Grammar. Past Perfect
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 8. Tourism – Global Success 9
Guided Speaking. Unit 9. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 6 - 7 (Week 24)
Do Self-Test-Week 24
Lesson Guide 9. C. Outlaws
Play with Quizlet 9. C. Outlaws
Lesson 9. C. Culture. Outlaws
Translation Help for 9. C. Culture. Outlaws
Speech Rate Training 9. C. Culture. Outlaws
Extension for 9. C. Outlaws
Lesson Guide 9. D. Grammar. Reported Speech
Play with Quizlet 9. D. Grammar. Reported Speech
Lesson 9. D. Grammar. Reported Speech
Translation Help for Grammar. Reported Speech
Extension for 9. D. Grammar. Reported Speech
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 9. World Englishes – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 9. Global Success 9
The tape Week 25
Basic Practice. Lessons 1 - 4 (Week 25)
Do Self-Test-Week 25
Lesson Guide 9. E. Reading. High-tech Crime
Play with Quizlet 9. E. Reading. High-tech Crime
Lesson 9. E. Reading. High-tech Crime
Translation Help for 9. E. Reading. High-tech Crime
Speech Rate Training 9. E. Reading. High-tech Crime
Extension for 9. E. Reading. High-tech Crime
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 9. World Englishes – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 9. Global Success 9
The tape Week 26
Basic Practice. Lessons 5 - 7 (Week 26)
Do Self-Test-Week 26
Lesson Guide 9. F. Everyday English. Reporting a Theft
Play with Quizlet 9. F. Everyday English. Reporting a Theft
Lesson 9. F. Everyday English. Reporting a Theft
Speech Rate Training 9. F. Everyday English. Reporting a Theft
Extension for 9. F. Everyday English. Reporting a Theft
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 9. World Englishes – Global Success 9
Guided Speaking. Unit 10. Global Success 9
Midterm Test Practice 1 (Semester 2. Grade 9)
Midterm Test Practice 2 (Semester 2. Grade 9)
Midterm Test Practice 3 (Semester 2. Grade 9)
Midterm Test Practice 4 (Semester 2. Grade 9)
Midterm Test Practice 5 (Semester 2. Grade 9)
Do Self-Test-Week 27
Lesson Guide 9. G. Writing. An E-mail
Play with Quizlet 9. G. Writing. An E-mail
Lesson 9. G. Writing. An E-mail
Extension for 9. G. Writing. An Email
Check your Writing (An Email)
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 10. Planet Earth – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 10. Global Success 9
Exam Speaking. Unit 10. Global Success 9
The tape Week 28
Basic Practice. Lessons 1 - 2 (Week 28)
Do Self-Test-Week 28
Lesson Guide 9. H. Get Ready for your Exam
Play with Quizlet 9. H. Get Ready for your Exam
Lesson 9. H. Get Ready for your Exam
Speech Rate Training. Get Ready for Exam (Unit 9)
Extension for 9. H. Get Ready for your Exam
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 10. Planet Earth – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 10. Global Success 9
Guided Speaking. Unit 11. Global Success 9
The tape Week 29
Basic Practice. Lessons 3 - 5 (Week 29)
Do Self-Test-Week 29
Lesson Guide 10. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Publications
Play with Quizlet 10. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Publications
Lesson 10. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Publications
Speech Rate Training 10. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Publications
Extension for 10. A. Vocabulary & Listening. Publications
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 10. Planet Earth – Global Success 9
Exam Speaking. Unit 11. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 6 - 7 (Week 30)
Do Self-Test-Week 30
Lesson Guide 10. B. Grammar. The Passive (Present and Past Simple)
Play with Quizlet 10. B. Grammar. The Passive (Present and Past Simple)
Lesson 10. B. Grammar. The Passive (Present and Past Simple)
Translation Help for Grammar. The Passive (Present and Past Simple)
Speech Rate Training 10. B. Grammar. The Passive (Present and Past Simple)
Extension for 10. B. Grammar. The Passive (Present and Past Simple)
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 11. Electronic Devices – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 11. Global Success 9
Exam Speaking. Unit 11. Looking back & Project. Global Success 9
The tape Week 31
Basic Practice. Lessons 1 - 2 (Week 31)
Do Self-Test-Week 31
Lesson Guide 10. C. Culture. To be or not to be?
Play with Quizlet 10. C. Culture. To be or not to be?
Lesson 10. C. Culture. To be or not to be?
Translation Help for 10. C. Culture. To be or not to be?
Speech Rate Training 10. C. Culture. To be or not to be?
Extension for 10. C. Culture. To be or not to be?
Lesson Guide 10. D. Grammar. The Passive (Present Perfect and Future)
Play with Quizlet 10. D. Grammar. The Passive (Present Perfect and Future)
Lesson 10. D. Grammar. The Passive (Present Perfect and Future)
Translation Help for Grammar. The Passive (Present Perfect and Future)
Extension for 10. D. Grammar. The Passive (Present Perfect and Future)
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 11. Electronic Devices – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 11. Global Success 9
Guided Speaking. Unit 12. Global Success 9
The tape Week 32
Basic Practice. Lessons 3 - 5 (Week 32)
Do Self-Test-Week 32
Lesson Guide 10. E. Reading. Vampire Stories
Play with Quizlet 10. E. Reading. Vampire Stories
Lesson 10. E. Reading. Vampire Stories
Translation Help for 10. E. Reading. Vampire Stories
Speech Rate Training 10. E. Reading. Vampire Stories
Extension for 10. E. Reading. Vampire Stories
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 11. Electronic Devices – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 11. Global Success 9
Exam Speaking. Unit 12. Global Success 9
Basic Practice. Lessons 6 - 7 (Week 33)
Do Self-Test-Week 33
Lesson Guide 10. F. Everyday English. Arranging to Meet
Play with Quizlet 10. F. Everyday English. Arranging to Meet
Lesson 10. F. Everyday English. Arranging to Meet
Speech Rate Training 10. F. Everyday English. Arranging to Meet
Extension for 10. F. Everyday English. Arranging to Meet
Review 4 (Language). Global Success 9
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 12. Career Choices – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 12. Global Success 9
The tape Week 34
Basic Practice. Lessons 1 - 7 (Week 34)
Do Self-Test-Week 34
Lesson Guide 10. G. Writing. An Informal Letter
Play with Quizlet 10. G. Writing. An Informal Letter
Lesson 10. G. Writing. An Informal Letter
Extension for 10. G. Writing. An Informal Letter
Check your Writing (An Informal Letter)
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 12. Career Choices – Global Success 9
Quizlet Vocabulary. Unit 12. Global Success 9
The tape Week 35
End-of-Term Test Practice 1 (Semester 2. Grade 9)
End-of-Term Test Practice 2 (Semester 2. Grade 9)
End-of-Term Test Practice 3 (Semester 2. Grade 9)
Do Self-Test-Week 35
Lesson Guide 10. H. Language Review & Skills Round-up
Play with Quizlet 10. H. Language Review & Skills Round-up
Lesson 10. H. Language Review
Lesson 10. H. Skills Round-up
Speech Rate Training. Language Review & Skills Round-up (Unit 9-10)
Extension for 10. H. Language Review & Skills Round-up
Học liệu tiếng Anh chương trình chính khóa của Bộ
Resources for Unit 12. Career Choices – Global Success 9
End-of-Term Test Practice 4 (Semester 2. Grade 9)
End-of-Term Test Practice 5 (Semester 2. Grade 9)
Do Self-Test-Week 36
Study Guide
Guide for Timetable
Fun Videos for Learning English
Movies - Games - Songs for Warm-up / Extension Activities
Nhận xét, góp ý về phương pháp dạy-học, Thầy / Cô và lớp
Nhận xét, góp ý cho Nhà trường và Ban chỉ đạo Tiếng Anh tăng cường
Lesson Guide 7. D. Grammar. First Conditional ►