Instructions. Watch the video clip and notice the usages of "Will" and how the examples are spoken.


Exercise: Practice saying aloud the script from the video to improve your English.

Okay, mmm what's the matter now! Mmm no, I got this my ears are filling up. I got this sinus condition it's the change in temperature. I always get from your conditioning mmm.

Maybe it'll go away. Who knows it's all part of my allergies. I get them in the summer.


They may take your lives, but they'll never take our freedom. 


I'll be back. I'll be back. 


I'll be all around in the dark. I'll be everywhere where you can look. Wherever there's a fight so hungry people can eat. I'll be there. Wherever there's a cop beating up a guy, I'll be there and when the people are eating the stuff they raised; living in the houses they build, I'll be there.


By keeping the rents high we're going to select class of people - select class. - Very very good. We'll keep the eggplant out. Ah good. We don't want any vegetables.

Nah nah the jungle bunnies.  - Oh, of course. They'll eat the vegetables.

Boss, can I talk to him. We're gonna keep out the nigher. - The what?

The niggers.  We'll keep them out.

Hey you are talking to a nigger. 


 We're gonna need a bigger boat. 


I'm gonna offer him an offer he cant' refuse.


Will and Going to in Films:


Compiled by Top Grade Edu